Uncommon Connections
🔗 Uncommon connections
Discover each other's unique interests.
A lot of icebreakers are about discovering the things we all have in common. This activity is a fun way to learn more about the things we don't.
In this activity, everyone shares something uncommon or unconventional that they enjoy. You might discover an uncommon connection, or you might just learn something special about each person.

How to use this template
This activity can sometimes work best if you assign a theme first, like “music,” “movies,” or “food.”
Prep instructions
Create a way to track the interests your team shares, either through our template, a virtual tool, or a whiteboard.
Decide in advance if you will assign points or “play to win.” A common way to play would be golf rules: the fewer points, the better. In this case, that would mean you get a point for every person who shares your interest.
Activity instructions
Once your attendees are gathered, explain that the goal of the activity is to find out something unique about each team member.
Start with one person naming one of their uncommon or contested interests, like “pineapple on pizza” or “playing the flute.”
Everyone who shares that like or interest raises their hand.
Out of those who have raised their hands, the person who shared an interest first selects another person to share an interest, and so on.
Decide in advance what happens if no one raises their hand. Do they get to select another interest and rack up more points? Does it move on to the next person? It’s up to you!
As interests are shared, you can track which ones are said and how many people shared them. This is especially important if you decide to play with any sort of points.
When you’re done, look back on what was shared and see if you made more connections than expected, or choose a winner if applicable.
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