5 team game ideas for a company retreat

Team building in a workplace can create strong bonds and connections amongst employees. Some of the benefits include improved communication, work motivation, and collaboration.

Having fun and laughing together helps coworkers see each other in a different light and allows them to connect in a way they otherwise would not have.

Team offsites and company retreats are the perfect opportunity for some delightful team building activities. Here are some of our favorite ways to build teamwork that require no setup or materials.

  1. Sing it Loud

Attributes: Energy boost ⚡, Fun 🥳


  • Divide players into groups of 5 around the room.

  • The leader stands in the center of the room and yells out a word that is commonly found in songs. 

    • Word suggestions: love, baby, fire, you, never, time, life, sorry, heart

  • The groups huddle for 1 minute to pick a song that contains the word.

  • When 1 minute has passed, the leader points at each team and they sing the part of the song they picked that contains the word.

  • If the group can’t think of a song, they are out. Songs cannot be repeated.

  • In each round, the leader chooses a new word and the game continues until only one group remains.

2. Tea & Coffee Memorization

Attributes: Team Connecting 👥


  • One person in a circle starts by sharing whether they prefer tea or coffee and how they take it: whether they add cream, milk, sugar, or black, and how much of each.

  • The next person repeats the first person’s preference and tacks on their own at the end.

  • Go around the circle, each person repeating all of the previous tea/coffee preferences that had been shared and adding their own at the end.

3. Rock, Paper, Scissors Showdown

Attributes: Energy boost ⚡, Fun 🥳


  • Participants must pair up and play “rock, paper, scissors” against each other until one person wins.

  • The winner moves on to find another opponent while the loser becomes their fan, following them and cheering them on. 

  • Each time someone loses a match, they must cheer on who they lost against along with everyone who was cheering for them.

The game continues until there are only two opponents left with a huge crowd of cheering fans behind them. 

4. Blind Counting

Attributes: Team Building 💪


  • Stand in a circle with your eyes closed or looking at the ground.

  • The goal is to count to 21, one person speaking at a time in a random order. Additionally, one person cannot say two numbers in a row. 

If more than one person speaks at the same time, the group must start over from one.

5. Supermarket 

Attributes: Energy Boost ⚡, Competitive 🏆


  • Pick one person to be the leader.

  • Divide the rest of the group evenly into two teams and line them up in parallel lines, facing the leader at the front.

  • In each round, the leader will start by saying, “I’m going to the supermarket to buy something that starts with the letter…(leader picks a letter in the alphabet at random).”

  • The first person in each line goes head-to-head to try to shout out something that can be found at the supermarket that begins with that letter.

  • The winner goes to the end of their line and continues to play. The loser sits out for the rest of the game.

  • The game continues until there is no one left in a team.

Find the best team building activities for a company retreat

If you’re looking for the best ideas to keep your team engaged and entertained at your next offsite, our expert planning staff can help. Get in touch with us today.


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