Sprint toward solutions and innovations.
Participants will pool their collective brain power as they learn the SCAMPER technique, a brainstorming technique that can be used by a team to solve a business problem, foster diverse perspectives, and encourage creative synergy, leading to a broader array of innovative solutions and a higher likelihood of successful problem resolution.

How to use this template
Activity instructions
Download the template and review instructions.
Determine what idea or challenge should be the focus of the group brainstorming session.
The facilitator will introduce the creative thinking technique SCAMPER, which is an acronym that stands for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to Another Use, Eliminate, and Reverse.
Using a flip chart or whiteboard, the facilitator will ask participants SCAMPER questions that apply to the topic and record the answers as they are called out
Ask participants to identify ideas and suggestions for follow-up.